Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Value of Septic System Inspection

Whenever you are shopping for a new home, there are lots of things to consider. You’ll want to check the number of rooms it has, the state of the roof, garage and other surrounding properties. One thing many home buyers overlook is examining the septic system of a home they are interested in. Most homes in rural areas have septic systems.

How the septic system works

Septic systems are mainly used in homes which are not close enough to be served by municipal utilities. The system is responsible for collecting all the gray and black waste water and then storing it and treating it on an underground tank. Any waste water from the home enters the septic tank and is then separated. The solid wastes are left to decompose and the liquid waste is then treated and allowed to reenter the water table.

Maintaining the septic system

Septic tanks need to be well maintained over the years in order to function properly. These tanks accumulate a lot of solid wastes. If not emptied at least once every three to five years, the solid waste prevents additional settling below the tank causing the system to fail. This often causes waste water to back up and harmful bacteria can enter the local water table. If not resolved early, waste water back up can destroy the entire septic system and cause extensive property damage. Regular septic system maintenance is recommended to prevent such problems from ever occurring.

What happens during a septic system inspection?

It is very important to have an independent evaluation of the septic system before buying a home. During the inspection, they will check whether the tank, pipes and drain field are in good working condition. The inspection helps you to determine how much you will spend on any repairs or renovations required to bring the septic system to full working order. You can also easily anticipate how soon in future you will need to have the tank pumped.

Hiring a professional for septic system inspection

Some homeowners prefer doing their own septic system care and maintenance. Unless you are well versed with the ins and outs of a septic system, you should only entrust an expert when it comes to inspection and repairs. A professional will be able to complete the job quickly and provide you with an estimate of the cost of repairs or maintenance work needed. By hiring a septic system professional, you can get an inspection statement that you can use to decide whether to buy the home or not.

Buying a house is a large investment. You want to ensure that you know what you are getting into before making the purchase. If the property has a septic system, it’s important to have it thoroughly inspected. The results can help you when negotiating the price of the home. This important system, if well maintained, can serve your property for many years and eventually boost its value. Never underestimate the importance of regular septic system care and maintenance.
Posted by: Womble's Septic Tank Service  http://tallahasseesepticservice.com

Friday, March 18, 2016

The Importance of Septic Tank Pumping

Septic tanks require a great deal of maintenance in order to function effectively. They are designed to eliminate solids from wastewater. For them to do this effectively, frequent septic tank pumping is essential. Cleaning and pumping the septic tank regularly will help to prevent overflowing. Once clogged, the tank can affect different water systems in your house. Lack of maintenance can lead to problems that are too difficult and costly to repair.

Why pumping is required
Septic tanks are designed to hold sludge and scum for up to 3 years. Sludge constitutes a mixture of solid wastes which are heavy and settle at the bottom of the tank. Scum, on the other hand, consists of the lighter materials which float on the surface of the septic tank. Most of the solid wastes that are gathered in the tank will decompose with time. The rest accumulate, which is why cleaning has to be done on a regular basis. Too much sludge and scum can contaminate the entire system. Pumping is done to avoid this and make sure the tank remains effective for a long time.   

How often is septic tank pumping required?
There are several factors that will determine how often you need to pump your septic tank. For one, the volume of the wastewater required in a household will determine the tank size and how often it needs to be pumped. The size of your household as well as the tank size will determine how frequently pumping needs to be carried out. If the tank is small and the household is large, pumping will be required more frequently. For instance, if the tank can hold 4000 liters and serves a family of 2, it can go for 5 years without pumping. The same size of tank serving a family of 5 needs pumping every 1.7 years.

When is the best time to conduct septic tank pumping?
Schedule for septic pumping when you are about to leave for vacation or any other time when the family is away. When pumping is done, it’s advisable to give the system a rest period before using it. Most technicians recommend pumping to be carried out when the family is away so that they can give the system adequate time to prepare for usage. The soil absorption area needs to dry out completely and allow any wastes that have moved in there to decompose before water begins flowing into the tank.

Cleaning and pumping of the septic tank needs to be done by professionals. There are certain risks involved when carrying out these maintenance activities and experts know how to mitigate them. For instance, during cleaning you can remove the good bacteria together with the waste. A professional knows just the right kit to use in order to preserve the good bacteria when removing wastes in your septic tank. With that said, regular septic tank pumping and cleaning helps to avoid overflowing and clogging but it’s also important to conserve water when you shower, use the toilet or kitchen to prevent such risks. 

Posted By: Womble's Septic Service  http://www.tallahasseesepticservice.com/

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What To Avoid If You Want Your Septic Tank To Work Great For Longer

Your septic tank relies on nature, the naturally occurring bacterial thrive on the impurities in the wastewater and look after your septic tank. The problem arises when you start disposing things into your toilet or sink that could block the drains in your house or upset the natural balance in the septic tank. If your septic tank stops working properly, you could be facing serious problems with your plumbing including pollution. Here are some of the mistakes that people often make when it comes to septic tanks that you should avoid.

Avoid using a garbage disposal system

When you install a garbage disposal system, all the garbage ends up in your septic tank. This could lead to a lot of solid and grease build up in the septic tank. This debris can end up clogging and choking the filters. If you have to use one, limit your use so you can avoid clogging up your drain field.

Only flush toilet paper

A lot of people often make the mistake of turning the toilet bowl into a bathroom trash can flushing all kinds of things in the loo such as sanitary towels, tampons, condoms, diapers, cigarette bits and unwanted medications among other things. Even if the product is labeled flushable, it may be unsuitable for a septic tank sewage system. Avoid flushing anything down the toilet that is not toilet paper if you do not want any problems with your septic system.

No household chemicals in the drain

Household chemicals includes thinks such as paint products, floor cleaners, pesticides and motor oil among other things. These chemicals end up destroying the bacteria in your septic system that break down the solids in your drainage. Even long-term use of medications like antibiotics can destroy the important bacteria in the septic tank. You should avoid disposing medications in the drain. You can find out how to safely dispose of medication from your local public health office.

Avoid parking vehicles over the septic tank

Don't park cars and trucks over the drain field or septic tank. You should also keep patios, carports, decks and storage sheds off the drain field to avoid packing down the soil. Packed down soil can break the drainage pipe causing huge problems with your drain system.

Avoid additives and draining hot tubs into the septic system

Septic tank additives may be harmful to your system. First they add extra solids which could clog your drain field and second, the chemicals can pollute ground and surface water. Make sure any additives you use have been approved by the state department of health. It is also illegal to use non-approved additives. Hot tubs also contain chlorine, which can destroy the important bacteria in your septic tank. The large volume of water is also a great risk as it can drown the drain field. You should drain the hot tub away from your septic system to avoid any problems with the septic tank.
Womble's Septic Tank Service provides a full range of residential and commercial septic services including pump outs, system inspections, system repairs, and new system installations.http://tallahasseesepticservice.com/